4 strategies to break limiting beliefs: Reevaluate

Fourth entry of the micro series of posts that aims to help you modify certain mental habits. We talked about 4 strategies to break limiting beliefs. It is the turn to reevaluate.

As we saw in the previous posts, we often subject ourselves to a constant stream of negative internal dialogue that tells us, “I’m not good enough,” “I’m not going to make it,” or “Everyone judges me.”

These self-limiting beliefs become anchors that hinder your potential and your state of happiness. But can we do anything about it? Possibly yes.

4 estrategias para romper las creencias limitantes
4 strategies to break limiting beliefs

Strategy to break limiting beliefs: Reevaluate

It is in this context that the real transformation occurs. This is where theory is put into practice and you transform consciousness into action. The final step begins with reevaluating your beliefs.

Then, you must ask yourself:

What has this belief done for me; has it influenced me to generate healthy relationships, professional success, or overall well-being?

How does this belief make me feel physically and does it cause me stress, fatigue or other negative feelings?

What are the costs of this belief? Imagine what your personal and professional relationships, career and personal life might have been like without these beliefs. What was the price you paid?

In this regard, we have a fundamental piece of advice: be specific.

What happened yesterday when you allowed your beliefs to rule you? And, what happened last week?

What was the net value of allowing that story to repeat itself in your progress? In your career? In your relationships?

Pay close attention to how you feel and how you respond. Surely, whenever you ask yourself these questions, you will come to the same conclusion, “These beliefs have not served me well.”

Photo credit: PX

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