9 amazing business and strategy books (part 1)

New mini series of 3 posts in which I am going to highlight 9 amazing strategy and business books (part 1). If you are looking for inspiration for this world, any of them can provide you with useful ideas, dynamics, approaches and motivations.

Let’s go with the first block of 3 recommended books.

Smart Grow: How to Grow Your People to Grow Your Company

A book by Whitney Johnson based on growth as a goal. Helping people in your organization develop their potential is what differentiates a good leader. A solid and comprehensive guide to delve into the S-curve of learning. In this way, you can visualize how growth and guidance is achieved from the leader to the team members.

Get It Done: Surprising Lessons from the Science of Motivation

A book by Ayelet Fishbach on the field of motivation and influence, but with a transcendental question: What happens when the person you most want to influence is yourself?

Setting and achieving goals for yourself, in any field, is harder than it sounds. How do you know where to start? How do you decide which tasks and ambitions to prioritize the more responsibilities, needs and/or desires you have?

A new theoretical framework for action that details how to identify the right goals, attack the problem in between, fight temptations or use the help of those around you.

CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest

A book by Carolin Dewar, Scott Keller and Vikram Malhotra, which has a revealing focus on how the best CEOs do their jobs. A study based on extensive interviews with today’s most successful corporate leaders. Among them, the heads of Netflix, JPMorgan Chase, General Motors or Sony.

Unrestricted conversations that provide a sensational variety of thoughts and actions. Convincing, practical and powerful for strategy and business.

Photo credit: PX

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