Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Magrathea

A new entry with more utilities for this universe that aims to transform the way we do things. I present Magrathea, within the range of artificial intelligence tools for marketing.

This field of opportunities for brands, in the form of technology solutions, is changing the way in which many processes are approached. Among them, automating tasks, optimizing the processes themselves and achieving better operational insights.

We are going to highlight in this post another artificial intelligence tool that, without a doubt, can be an interesting part of the marketing process for a brand.

Herramientas de inteligencia artificial para marketing: Magrathea
Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Magrathea

Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Magrathea

This is another interesting digital tool in this range that we are selecting as posts for the blog. Magrathea can help companies to make more informed and contrasted decisions.

This artificial intelligence tool takes advantage of natural language processing (NLP) and thanks to this it can develop conversations with users. In this way, the tool provides personalized and highly relevant data information.

Magrathea can access information sources such as social networks, internal company data and external databases. Thus, it can collect information and offer a personalized range. With this tool as a data assistant, we can quickly access the key information we need to make business decisions. This is very interesting from a competitive perspective.

Photo credit: MG

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