Best Personal Brand Award in World Internet Day Awards

If you are here is because you are part of this. Of my digital family. That’s why I want to share with you this award for Best Personal Brand at the World Internet Day Awards. It’s also yours!

The Internet Awards are the awards that aim to recognize the most outstanding initiatives, people or organizations during the year prior to its delivery. They are based on the good use of the Internet and new technologies.

These awards have been presented every year since 1996, in May, on the occasion of the celebration of World Information Society Day. This day is popularly known as #internetday.

Premio Mejor Marca Personal en Premios Día Mundial de Internet
Best Personal Brand Award in World Internet Day Awards

Best Personal Brand Award, a great encouragement to effort and perseverance

Those of you who follow the blog on a daily basis will know that it has been active since December 1, 2013. Yesterday, the day of obtaining the Award, we reached the figure of 3,621 consecutive daily articles.

A blog that aims to help many professionals to be aware of concepts and news related to different cross-cutting themes. Among them, marketing, strategy, unique products, brands, creativity or innovation.

I do not forget a very important section, the Guest Bloggers section, where different profiles have been able to publish their articles as guests.

There are many messages of thanks from different countries that reach the blog and that fills me with happiness. Knowing that you can contribute, that you are of value to others is very nice. We continue to grow on this platform where so many good things happen.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, family!

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Información base sobre privacidad:
- Responsable: Francisco Torreblanca (
- Fin del tratamiento: Moderación de comentarios para evitar spam
- Legitimación: Tu consentimiento
- Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros salvo por obligación legal
- Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad, olvido

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