Disruptive innovation: concept, scope and characteristics

We hear this term all the time, but what really is disruptive innovation? In this new blog post, we will talk about the concept, scope and characteristics of this type of innovation.

Disruptive innovation refers to an idea that is capable of changing more or less abruptly the market of a given sector. It is that type of innovation that impacts, revolutionizes and proposes a new groundbreaking scenario.

Disruptive innovation: concept, scope and characteristics

Disruptive innovation focuses on the introduction of a new product, service or process that breaks the status quo

In this way, it radically changes the way things are done in a specific market or industry. In this sense, we can speak of a paradigm shift that transforms the way things are done. As a result, new opportunities are generated.

We can highlight several characteristics that define a disruptive idea, such as:

  • It is radically different: Disruptive is significantly different from what already exists in the market. It always goes beyond simple improvements or adjustments to products or services, introducing a completely new and innovative solution.
  • Provides an affordable and accessible solution: Disruptive is not only different, it must also be accessible and affordable to a wide audience. It must be cheaper, easier to use or more convenient than what already exists.
  • Generates new markets or market segments: Disruptive can give rise to new markets or market segments that did not exist before or were simply not being served. This means that the approach can be the starting point for an entirely new industry.
  • Changes the way things are done: Disruptive changes the way things are done. They can alter the way consumers interact with a product or service, or even the way a business process unfolds.
  • Offers resistance to competition: Disruptive is difficult to copy or imitate. This means you can maintain your competitive advantage for a long time.

Photo credit: ME

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