Galius, the first solid oil for massage

Today I present a unique product that has pioneered a very interesting product category. It is Galius, the first solid massage oil. The brand, with more than 25 years in the market, is a specialist in an innovative concept that provides multiple benefits in this area.

Galius was born by transforming the usual into something special. From the typical liquid massage oil, through a substitution, the idea of solid massage oil was born. This new conceptualization, which has been around for a long time, offers many advantages in its use. The elimination of water in its formula is decisive, hence its solid and perfect presence for the application.

The solid state allows the users of the product (physiotherapists, osteopaths, etc.) a perfect application on the patient. Its exclusive formula makes the glide for the massage perfect and the hands of the person applying it have the ideal vehicle.

Galius, el primer aceite sólido para masaje
Galius, the first solid oil for massage

Galius is the pioneer brand in the concept of solid massage oil

Another great property is its mobility. Those who work dynamically, such as professionals in sports teams who are constantly on the move, can carry it with them without risk. Its solid state is undoubtedly a great added value.

On the other hand, the absence of water is key to the product’s long shelf life, as less water is needed when applying it. This generates significant savings.

In addition, it can be combined with other essential oils, anti-inflammatory creams, balms and scents, resulting in extreme versatility. This property makes Galius solid massage oil a highly customizable product.

A niche product for professionals looking for a top companion that brings them the best performance in their work. Leader in its category, Galius is a great example of differentiation, with a bold and pioneering bet in a very competitive segment.

Photo credit: GS

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