Habits to achieve your personal purpose: Design your code

Second post of the trilogy of posts in which we are highlighting 3 habits to achieve your personal purpose. Get down to the important stuff: Design your code.

Our moral code is built from six vital questions: what, who, who, where, how, why and when. These W’s are our guide, defining our name and character. They offer focus, purpose and intentionality, shaping one’s uniqueness.

WHAT: Invites us to discern what we stand for, providing a solid foundation. Being true to our principles grounds us.

WHO: Our environment influences who we aspire to be, emphasizing the impact of those around us. Toxic influences or beneficial influences can lead us to one side of the road or the other.

WHERE: It forces us to examine our actions in adversity. Our identity is tested when we face hardship. Those moments of truth determine who we are.

HOW: The method, the commitment, the foundation, one’s own values.

WHY: The key factor that enables greatness and adds meaning to our efforts.

WHEN: When we stand our ground, take risks and face fear.

Hábitos para lograr tu propósito personal: Sé una marca
Habits to achieve your personal purpose: Design your code

Determine checkpoints for self-assessment

Personal audits guide us to identify areas for improvement and test the trajectory of our life. Here are some key questions to analyze key areas:


Do we devote time to physical and mental well-being?

Do we make a sustained effort to achieve success?

In physical care: do you exercise, stretch, meditate?

Do you deal with emotions productively?


Do you understand spending habits and identify possible investments?

Do you avoid distractions?

Does your financial situation bring you happiness?

Do you focus on proven financial strategies?

Personal Development

Do you assess current skills and identify desired skills?

Do you explore methods to acquire new skills?


Do you evaluate your social circle and its impact?

In your reflections, do you measure how the time you spend with certain people influences your feelings?

Do you rate your relationship with yourself and draw conclusions?

Make it your own and evaluate those other areas you consider key.

Don’t miss the third post in the series: Be hungry to learn.

Photo credit: AT

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