HappyMami, personalized bottle that simulates one’s own anatomy

Today we go to the world of breastfeeding to discover another unique product. We have as our protagonist HappyMami, a personalized bottle that simulates one’s own anatomy.

In recent years, we have seen a growing awareness of the importance of breastfeeding, both for the baby’s and the mother’s health. However, it is also true that not all women can or want to breastfeed. That’s where alternatives such as bottles come in. But what happens when even traditional bottles do not meet the needs of every baby and every mother?

This is where HappyMami comes into play, a breastfeeding project that has developed a personalized bottle that simulates the anatomy of a mother’s breast.

HappyMami, biberón personalizado que simula la anatomía propia
HappyMami, personalized bottle that simulates one’s own anatomy

This customized bottle has been designed to mimic the movement, texture and shape of the mother’s breast during breastfeeding

This allows the baby to feed more naturally and comfortably. But HappyMami’s innovation does not stop there, as they have also developed a customization system for the bottle that adapts to the needs of each baby and each mother.

This customization system begins with a questionnaire that the mother must complete online before placing her order. The questionnaire collects information about the baby’s age, weight and feeding type, as well as data about the mother’s breast anatomy. With this information, HappyMami can create a personalized bottle that is tailored to the specific needs of each baby and each mother.

But how exactly does this customized bottle work? Instead of having a single shape, like traditional baby bottles, this bottle has a variable shape and can be adapted to the baby’s mouth and the shape of the mother’s breast. In addition, the material used in the manufacture of the bottle is soft and flexible, allowing the baby to suck naturally and comfortably.

Without a doubt, HappyMami is an innovative breastfeeding project. Mothers who cannot or do not want to breastfeed now have an alternative that comes as close as possible to the experience of breastfeeding. In this way, the baby is fed in a more natural way. If you are interested in trying this personalized bottle, visit the HappyMami website for more information.

Photo credit: HML

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