Market Research Tools and Resources (1)

We are launching 3 new consecutive posts in which we will highlight different and useful tools and resources for market research (1). A fundamental area in the performance of any brand towards success. Making informed decisions based on solid data is, without a doubt, something unavoidable and necessary.

In these 3 posts we present an extensive list of very practical tools and resources for market research.

Think With Google

It offers a suite of market research tools that provide valuable insights into consumer behavior. From Google Trends, which reveals trends of interest in products, to Market Finder, which helps in the selection of markets. Also, Find My Audience, a tool for personalizing YouTube content. These tools are indispensable for making data-driven marketing decisions.

Link: clic aquí

Make My Persona by Hubspot

Creating a customer profile is essential for personalized marketing. Make My Persona simplifies this process by guiding you through defining the characteristics, challenges and more of a persona. Ideal for B2B product launches, it helps align the product with the needs and objectives of your target audience.

Link: clic aquí

Herramientas y recursos para investigación de mercados
Market Research Tools and Resources


It allows you to connect to a variety of data sources and transform raw data into meaningful visualizations. Whether we are exploring cereal production or childcare product sales, Tableau’s tools provide detailed market information. Its integration with spreadsheets and databases ensures seamless data management.

Link: clic aquí


Simplify market research surveys by offering an interactive and customizable platform. Easily create surveys, add conditional logic and customize routes for different respondents. Its various question fields and topics make it a versatile tool for gathering consumer information.

Link: clic aquí


Simplifies complex data by presenting it in easily digestible charts and graphs. It provides access to industry-specific data and allows you to keep up to date with graphs on a regular basis. Its comprehensive database is a great asset for market researchers.

Link: clic aquí

Photo credit: PX

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