Market Research Tools and Resources (2)

Second entry of the mini series of posts in which we are highlighting different and useful tools and resources for market research (2). A fundamental area in the performance of any brand towards success. Making informed decisions based on solid data is, without a doubt, something unavoidable and necessary.

In these 3 posts we present an extensive list of very practical tools and resources for market research. In this one, in particular, we will see 6 new platforms that help us in a multitude of fronts full of productivity for this field of action. Market research is much easier and more enjoyable with these types of resources.

Claritas MyBestSegment

Provides tools to understand an area’s demographics and residents’ lifestyles. Gain insight into audience segments, including household income, employment and education levels. Perfect for targeted marketing campaigns and competitive analysis.

Link: clic aquí


It is a powerful tool for creating detailed market research surveys. It allows you to collect data from real consumers and offers dedicated solutions for global surveys, translation services and reporting dashboards.

Link: clic aquí


It stands out for its conversational survey format. Ideal for reaching younger demographics, it offers a wide range of question types, logic jumps and personalized customer information.

Link: clic aquí

Herramientas y recursos para investigación de mercados
Market Research Tools and Resources

Upwave Instant Insights

Part of the Upwave platform, it allows you to target audiences and collect valuable consumer information. It distributes surveys to real users and visualizes data effectively.

Link: clic aquí


Helps test the usability of your website, ensuring a seamless user experience. Identify navigation challenges and improve user satisfaction before launching a product.

Link: clic aquí


Provides comprehensive usability testing, including webcam and screen recording. Understands how users interact with your assets and makes data-driven improvements.

Link: clic aquí

Photo credit: PX

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