Processing fluency to create high-impact slogans

In the branding environment, creating high-impact slogans is a notoriety tool that acts as an immediate and memorable connection with the public. An effective slogan not only conveys the brand’s core message, but also resonates emotionally with consumers, leaving them with a lasting impression. Associated with this, we are going to discover a psychological concept known as processing fluency, introduced by Norbert Schwarz in 2004.

What is processing fluency?

It refers to the ease with which our brain can process information. Schwarz (2004) found that information that is easily processed is perceived as more true, pleasant, and memorable. In the context of slogans, this means that phrases that are easy to read, pronounce and remember have a stronger impact on the audience.

Processing fluency influences the effectiveness of a slogan in several ways:

  • Simplicity: Simple slogans are easier to process. Using everyday words and short phrases can increase fluency and therefore memorability. Think “Just Do It” by Nike. Its simplicity is its greatest strength.
  • Rhyme and rhythm: Slogans that rhyme or have a clear rhythm are easier to remember. Examples like “Red Bull gives you wings” use rhyme to stay engraved in the consumer’s mind.
  • Familiarity: Using familiar terms and structures makes processing easier. Slogans like Disney’s “Imagine More” take advantage of words and concepts that audiences already know and appreciate.
Inteligencia artificial: la palabra del año 2022 según FundéuRAE
Processing fluency to create high-impact slogans

How to Apply Processing Fluency in Branding

To create a high-impact slogan using processing fluency, we must consider the following steps:

  • Simplify the message: Reduce your slogan to the most essential words that communicate the core of your brand. Avoid technical or complex terms.
  • Incorporates poetic elements: Play with rhyme, rhythm and alliteration. These elements not only make your slogan more catchy, but also increase its fluidity.
  • Work on familiarity: Use words and phrases that are common and recognizable to your audience. Avoid specialized jargon that may hinder immediate understanding.
  • Check pronunciation: Make sure your slogan is easy to pronounce. Studies have shown that words that are difficult to pronounce can generate mistrust and subconscious rejection.

Examples of successful slogans

McDonald’s: “I’m lovin’ it” – Easy to understand, pronounce and remember, and evokes an immediate positive feeling.

Apple: “Think Different” – Simplicity and a challenge to the norm, easy to process and remember.

L’Oréal: “Because You’re Worth It” – An empowering message, direct and easy to understand.

Without a doubt, processing fluency is a powerful tool in creating slogans that impact the audience.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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