Refettorio Paris, a creative and supportive restaurant

Paris is a city full of insights. In its unique and effervescent center, under the impressive Madeleine church, is located a unique space: Refettorio Paris. It is a creative and supportive restaurant, located in the church’s own crypt. This place has become a welcoming refuge for people in situations of exclusion and precariousness. In it, delicious meals are offered, in addition to generating an atmosphere of respect and dignity.

Every night, Refettorio Paris opens its doors to transform ingredients from surplus food. In this way, exquisite dishes are created that aim to feed people. This innovative approach not only combats food waste. Also, it gives vulnerable people the opportunity to enjoy a nutritious and tasty meal in a welcoming environment.

Reffetorio Paris, un creativo y solidario restaurante
Refettorio Paris, a creative and supportive restaurant

Refettorio Paris is a charitable and cultural project

The vision of creating a warm and inspiring space involves an entire community that shows its involvement in making the project a reality. Artists, architects and designers collaborate to make each dinner an aesthetic and emotional experience. This holistic approach seeks to create welcoming experiences for both beneficiary guests and the local community. This is how human value is generated, barriers are broken and social inclusion is promoted.

The history of Refettorio Paris is marked by fundamental ingredients such as collaboration and passion. All this has been possible thanks to the cooperation of various organizations and people who have joined forces and contributed their knowledge and experience.

The original idea was developed by Food for Soul, a non-profit association founded by the relevant chef Massimo Bottura and Lara Gilmore. Its mission is to raise awareness about the fight against food waste through social inclusion. Without a doubt, a project from which to learn and from which to extrapolate many social values ​​to create new proposals that bring life to the world.

Photo credit: RP

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