This research article is entitled “Emotional states applied to the brand and product environment”. It is part of the journal Coyuntura & Análisis (number 71) of the Faculty of International Studies of the Institución Universitaria Esumer Medellín (Colombia).
We live in an emotional society, with hyperconnected people capable of transmitting emotions immediately. From anywhere in the world, at any time and to anyone else. On the other hand, there is an excess of supply that brands are constantly proposing nowadays. This causes a great saturation of products, services, undifferentiated messages that reach the consumer massively.
Given this, it is necessary to propose new ways of creating strategies based on emotional variables. These must provoke calls for attention and calls to action that generate special and differential links between brands and consumers. First, let’s look at the role of prohibition in marketing.
The importance of emotional states applied to the brand and product environment
In our learning from a very young age, we have been taught the culture of the forbidden. Do not touch, do not do, do not provoke, do not try, do not get out of the drawing. These are aspects that we have learned and that generate a barrier to change because of the supposed danger of not abiding by the rules.
It is curious to discover how the forbidden provokes an immediate call to action in the brain. This happens because when we are forbidden something our mind and our brain pay more attention to it. It is an automatic mechanism that we must take into account in the marketing process.
It is crucial to know that the individual prohibition feeds our desire to get that thing. If the prohibition is a group prohibition, the attraction decreases. This is very valuable information to design specific marketing strategies, very oriented to the individual, in order to optimize the results obtained.
Photo credit: IUE