Reverse shopping, the technique that changes consumer behavior

Have you ever stopped to think about how you plan your shopping list? Today we talk about the concept of reverse shopping, the technique that changes consumer behavior.

Normally, those of us who make a shopping list beforehand think about what things we need. It is obvious that later, once you go through the shopping process at the supermarket, you usually end up buying many things you didn’t plan to buy. We are human.

But what would happen if we were to design the shopping list previously noting down those products that we already have at home instead of those that we don’t? Without a doubt, this is a disruptive way of approaching the process.

Compra inversa, la técnica que cambia la conducta del consumidor
Reverse shopping, the technique that changes consumer behavior

A creative inversion gives rise to this reverse shopping concept

The lateral marketing technique called inversion is really powerful. It’s about going the other way around, as in this case. Instead of a planned shopping list of what we lack, a planned shopping list of what we have.

Thanks to this technique, we are changing the logic of the usual shopping list, we become aware of what items we use regularly.

Undoubtedly, a very interesting proposal to put into practice and see what happens. Surely we behave differently and the habit suffers some unplanned break. This type of mechanism helps us to understand what our behavior is like and how brands analyze and make forecasts about how the consumer will behave.

It is therefore curious to try it out and draw our own conclusions from something as simple as this. If you implement it, please tell me about your experience in the comments of the post.

Photo credit: MB

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