Vision without execution is hallucination

This post is very special, as I have the collaboration of my great friend Mario Ortiz, from Colombia. I met Mario in an EMBA program at ESIC Valencia and since then we have a great bond. His post is entitled “Vision without execution is hallucination” and is focused on the importance of the sales force in the company.

Mario is a Commercial Strategist with more than 13 years of experience in the development of relational and transactional sales channels, strategy design, prototyping and Minimum Viable Product, promoting brand positioning and increasing the profitability of companies. He is currently Director of Channel Management in Insurance, trends and risks at SURA.

Visión sin ejecución es alucinación
Vision without execution is hallucination

Vision without execution is hallucination

Today, more than ever, we can see the importance of the value of analytics and how it complements intuition, especially in sales teams. They must understand why and how this information enhances the value of the company’s relationship with its customers. Thus, it is possible to know the moment of life of customers, in addition to the use and non-use of products or services.

Commercial management is essential to promote cultural changes in the teams

When each person in the team understands the contribution of a process, technology and/or moment, the possibilities of having the openness to consider it are awakened. This is the great challenge we face today in organizations.

In the end, it is not just about having a CRM, Analytics and other technologies. The value is not in the tools. The value is that you as a leader/director/manager focus on:

  • Taking care that these definitions do not fall into instructions, because they limit the creativity of organizations
  • Prioritizing actions (giving up actions is also prioritizing)
  • Innovation in the form of execution
  • Speed in appropriation and execution
  • Accompanying and monitoring performance (KPI’S), this will allow to adjust and enhance on the fly to achieve the objectives

In short, today’s technology (CRM / Analytics) allows sales forces not to have to do more, but rather to have to do less. In other words, less effort with greater impact on the execution of customer attraction, development (cross selling / up selling) and loyalty strategies.

“Vision without execution is hallucination”

Thomas Edison

Ultimately, the essence of execution lies in the team’s understanding of what it is to execute.

Photo credit: GE

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