Why humor is key to creative processes

Have you ever wondered why humor is key in creative processes? In those moments of truth where we are creating, motivation plays a determining role. And, surely, nothing is more motivating than humor.

Creative processes, especially when they involve the development of methodologies, need points of respite with which to break the time. In this sense, humor in all its nuances, from irony to coarseness, is fundamental. Depending on the moment and the audience we are working with, we can count on this first-class vehicle.

Por qué el humor es clave en los procesos creativos
Why humor is key to creative processes

Humor is key as a cohesive element in a creative process

It has a place in everything, always in its right measure. It is a fantastic companion in any situation and manages to disinhibit in the moments when we need it most. Besides, there is nothing like humor to generate what we need so much between people: empathy.

On the other hand, we can say that there is an association between our positive emotional states and creativity. When we laugh we release dopamine, the hormone of happiness, which arrives through laughter and acts as a neurotransmitter. In this way, it manages to activate certain mechanisms linked to learning. All this results in more fluidity, which in turn opens the door to creativity.

When we work with a challenge or problem to be solved, we apply methodologies that help us in the process. We must be aware that the process, as such, needs emotional break points that allow us to reconnect with ourselves. Those spaces can come in the best possible way thanks to humor.

Photo credit: AP

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