Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Jema

We continue to provide new entries with utilities for this world that is transforming the way we do things. I present Jema, within the range of artificial intelligence tools for marketing.

We are facing a huge scope of opportunities for brands in the form of technological solutions that are changing the approach to many processes. Automating tasks, optimizing the processes themselves or achieving better operational insights are just some of them.

In this post we have as a protagonist another artificial intelligence tool that, without a doubt, can be an interesting part of the marketing process for a brand.

Herramientas de inteligencia artificial para marketing: Jema
Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Jema

Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: Jema

Writing is a crucial skill for any business manager, but it is not always easy to master. In this sense, new options are emerging, as is the case of Jema.

This artificial intelligence tool can help us generate blog posts, copy, SEO content and much more. Even writing emails or content for platforms such as LinkedIn.

These types of tools, as we have already seen in a previous post, generate a lot of debate. As professionals, knowing them is a very necessary option and their integration must have balance criteria. They are platforms that can help us in certain things, but it would be a mistake to put all the weight of the work on them.

Therefore, I invite you to discover them, try them out and see how they can be useful to us, without ever losing our essence.

Photo credit: JM

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