7 customer or user states according to the value stream

Linking with the previous post in which we talked about the value stream in the marketing strategy, this time we will highlight 7 customer or user states.

Recall that a value stream is composed of all the steps or processes that an organization goes through when it intends to deliver a product or service to the customer. As a process, it should describe all the activities that an organization performs to create value for customers and other stakeholders.

Based on this, we can highlight 7 states that a customer or user goes through: Awareness, Intrigue, Confident, Convinced, Hopeful, Satisfied and Passionate. Each state has an associated behavior of the customer or user, which indicates in which situation he/she is in.

Given this, at least one high-level business activity is required for the customer or user to act in accordance with that behavior. Let’s see below what the 7 customer/user states are.

Flujo de valor en la estrategia de marketing
7 customer or user states according to the value stream

1. Awareness

Occurs when a customer or user discovers a product or service for the first time. For example, a company may have a new application that helps with stress. It decides to promote it on TikTok by targeting users who suffer from stress. The ad is the commercial activity, the CTA accesses a landing page that describes the science behind the product. Therefore, clicks on the ad can be measured.

2. Intrigue

Occurs when a customer or user is interested in a product or service. A stressed person reading the app description on the landing page becomes interested in it. It promises to accurately track stress patterns and make recommendations. The commercial activity is building the landing page. The CTA visits the app store. Therefore, you can measure the clicks to the app stores from the landing page.

3. Trust

Occurs when a customer or user trusts that a company and its products or services will meet their needs. The stressed person reads positive app reviews, for example, and downloads the app (CTA). Therefore, referred downloads from the landing page can be measured.

4. Conviction

Occurs when a customer or user is willing to give up something: time, money (even privacy) in exchange for the promised value. In the example, the stressed person detects that the application really helped him and that he can get full access to all its features for only 9 euros/month. The CTA is the purchase subscription. Therefore, purchases via landing page can be measured.

5. Expectation

It happens when a customer or user expects a product or service to really satisfy his needs. If he downloaded and purchased the application, his hope is that it will help him improve his quality of life. This stage can take time. A possible CTA would be to launch an email offering assistance if usage falls below the threshold. Therefore, the usage of the app can be measured.

6. Satisfaction

Occurs when a customer or user is satisfied with a product or service. Here, the person with stress might think: “It improved my stress level and I feel calm”. The CTA would be the proposal to use the product or service on a regular basis. Therefore, daily or monthly active customers or users could be measured.

7. Passion

Finally, we come to this phase, which is when the customer or user becomes passionate about a product or service. Here they can have such a positive experience that the stress has disappeared and they become a fan. This makes the “digital word of mouth” happen. The CTA would be sharing, referrals, etc. Therefore, you could measure the viral coefficient, the percentage of satisfied customers, etc.

Photo credit: KG

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