7 inspiring books for summer: Now habit

Third proposal for a very revealing reading, within the new series of posts with a selection of 7 inspiring books for the summer. The protagonist of this new entry is the book entitled “Now habit”, whose author is Neil Fiore.

This book tackles an area that can be devastating for any professional, procrastination. It does so from a frontal perspective, to provide very good strategies and techniques that are practical to break free from the cycle of procrastination and perfectionism.

7 libros inspiradores para el verano: Hazlo ahora
7 inspiring books for summer: Now habit

7 inspiring books for summer: Now habit

Undoubtedly, this is a book that helps to understand the psychological roots of procrastination and provides effective tools to overcome it. As you know, it is not easy to get rid of a habit that generates inactivity like this.

Do it now is a reference manual to overcome the process of procrastination, that common habit of leaving aside the work we have pending. Published several years ago in the USA, this book gives us guidelines and useful tips to improve our productivity. In this way, we can make better use of our time, thus avoiding the stress caused by the accumulation of tasks, deadlines and backlogs.

In today’s competitive environment, so dynamic, changing, volatile and full of uncertainty, this threat can be transcendental for a good professional. Eradicating and overcoming it becomes a differentiating factor. Having a useful and practical guide like this one is a gift from which we can learn a lot.

A highly recommended book for those who really want to fight procrastination and are looking for practical techniques to overcome it. It is also ideal for cultivating a more productive and balanced lifestyle.

Photo credit: PDL

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