7 inspiring books for summer: The Checklist Manifesto

Fifth proposal for a very revealing reading, within the new series of posts with a selection of 7 inspiring books for the summer. The protagonist of this new entry is the book entitled “The Checklist Manifesto”, whose author is Atul Gawande.

Today we find ourselves in possession of stupendous know-how, which we willingly place in the hands of the most highly skilled people. But avoidable failures are common, and the reason is simple: the volume and complexity of our knowledge has exceeded our ability to consistently, safely or efficiently.

This book explores the power of checklists to improve efficiency, reduce errors and improve performance. All of these aspects are of great value to any modern day professional. Something that may seem so obvious that we fail to do them.

7 libros inspiradores para el verano: El efecto Checklist
7 inspiring books for summer: The Checklist Manifesto

7 inspiring books for summer: The Checklist Manifesto

Atul Gawande exposes how checklists have made possible some of the most difficult activities performed by people. From flying airplanes to building skyscrapers of incredible sophistication.

Based on his own experience, the author shows how the application of this idea has given way to improbable situations. For example, in a world as varied and complex as surgery, a ninety-second checklist reduced deaths and complications by more than a third. Moreover, this occurred in eight different hospitals around the world, at virtually no cost and for almost any type of intervention.

In this book we discover how checklists, despite their simplicity, can have a profound impact on our ability to manage complex tasks. This tool, without a doubt, allows us to ensure the thoroughness and professionalism of our work.

A highly recommended book for those seeking to improve their professional performance and for those who strive to achieve better organization and efficiency in their work.

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