Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: TutorAI

A new entry with more utilities for this universe that aims to transform the way we do things. I present TutorAI, within the range of artificial intelligence tools for marketing.

This field of opportunities for brands, in the form of technology solutions, is changing the way in which many processes are approached. Among them, automating tasks, optimizing the processes themselves and achieving better operational insights.

We are going to highlight in this post another artificial intelligence tool that can certainly be an interesting part of the marketing process for a brand.

Herramientas de inteligencia artificial para marketing: TutorAI
Artificial intelligence tools for marketing: TutorAI

TutorAI is like a virtual consultant who knows everything

It is a web platform where you can ask questions about any field and get personalized answers with artificial intelligence technology. For a marketing approach, it is very interesting from different points of view. Whether it’s pure curiosity, expanding with new knowledge and skills or digging into specific concepts.

TutorAI is super easy to use and can be tested on a freemium model. The platform is fully online and offers theoretical modules, summaries, practical examples and quizzes to understand the learning progress. Undoubtedly, a productive way to learn about anything and especially in marketing is a good complement.

With this digital tool, learning is personalized using the secrets of natural language processing and machine learning. This is how questions are understood and relevant answers are generated.

Moreover, you can change depending on how much you understand and provide feedback and suggestions on the fly. It is also interesting to explore topics interactively by asking follow-up questions or exploring related content. A platform to get the most out of it.

Photo credit: TAI

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