How to design an elevator pitch (part 1)

An elevator pitch (part 1) is a concise and compelling presentation of your project, ideal for capturing attention in a short amount of time. In part 1, the introduction, it is essential to generate interest and leave a memorable impression.

Here are some tips for a powerful introduction:

Grab attention right away

Start with an intriguing question, such as “Did you know that…?””Have you ever wondered…?””Would you like to…?”

Use an impactful phrase, such as: “The future of…” “The solution to…” “A unique opportunity to…”

Share a short, captivating story: Describe a real problem and how your project solves it.

Present your project clearly and concisely

Define your project in one sentence: What is it? What problem does it solve? Who does it benefit?

Use simple and direct language: Avoid technical terms that may confuse your audience.

Highlight the key benefits: What advantages does your project offer? How does it improve people’s lives?

Cómo diseñar un elevator pitch
How to design an elevator pitch (part 1)

Generate interest and expectation

Leave room for doubt: Invite your interlocutor to want to know more.

Pose an open-ended question: “Would you like to know more about…?” “What do you think of this idea?”

Examples of sentences for the introduction of your elevator pitch

“Did you know that 80% of businesses fail in their first two years? Our project helps entrepreneurs increase their chances of success.”

“Introducing a new app that will revolutionize the way you consume energy. Save money and help the planet with just one click.”

“If you are passionate about education, you will love our project. We are creating an online platform to connect students with teachers around the world.”

In the next post, part 2, we will see how to state the problem or need to move forward in the elevator pitch. In it, we will see in more detail some features of this phase.

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