Instagram joins the “slow” trend to reduce anxiety

The social network Instagram has announced the launch of a new tool: Quiet Mode. This new functionality refers to “Quiet Mode” or “Inactive Mode”. Its purpose is to try to reduce the anxiety of users who decide to disconnect from the application at certain times of the day. As we can see, Instagram is thus joining the “slow” trend.

Instagram aims to encourage the teenage audience to use this functionality, especially when they stay connected in the evening hours. Quiet Mode mutes notifications and automatically responds to direct messages. In addition, it informs contacts, via status, that the user is not currently active.

Undoubtedly, the potential negative effects of disproportionate use of social networks in adolescents represents a major problem.

Instagram joins the “slow” trend to reduce anxiety

The “slow” trend is slowly gaining weight in society

The Internet, technology and connectivity have influenced our daily behavior so much that it has generated a permanent sense of urgency. Immediacy rules in everything. When it comes to working, living experiences, shopping, etc.

Instagram, aware of this, is aligned with this social trend that we can see in other areas such as product shipments. The current online shopping maelstrom has triggered the activity of transport agencies, imposing fast deliveries. Faced with this scenario, we are already beginning to see brands that sell online and that propose a conscious shipping that flees from speed and proposes a quieter way.

On the other hand, it adapts to the reality of the moment trying to prevent eventual restrictive laws in line with other functionalities it already has. The application already has devices for minors that protect their privacy, reduce unsolicited contact with adults or limit personalized advertising. They also restrict their access to adult content or perform parental controls.

Quiet Mode is initially available in the United States, United Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and will progressively reach other markets.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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