Principles of behavioral science-based branding

Following the theme of the previous post, this time we talk about the key principles of behavioral science-based branding.

Behavioral science refers to a set of disciplines that focus on human behavior. In this case, applied to branding, it is about knowing the extent to which it influences and is influenced by the attitudes, behavior and needs of other people.

For a brand to be grounded in behavioral science implies a deep understanding of human behavior and how it can be influenced. Therefore, we will highlight some key principles of this approach below.

Ciencia del comportamiento y su influencia en la marca
Principles of behavioral science-based branding

Principles of behavioral science-based branding

Emotional connection

Those brands that are able to evoke strong emotions in their audience are more likely to create lasting relationships. This happens because by understanding the emotions that drive consumer behavior, brands can create messages and experiences that truly resonate with their target.

Social Influence

It’s a given that consumers are influenced by the opinions and actions of others. For this reason, brands that understand and leverage social influence can create a sense of community and belonging. In turn, this facilitates a higher level of engagement and loyalty.

Cognitive biases

Other evidence is that consumers are subject to a variety of cognitive biases that influence their decision making. Therefore, those brands that are able to understand these biases can create messages and experiences that appeal to consumers’ natural tendencies.

Behavioral economics

Finally, behavioral economics refers to the study of how people make economic decisions. That’s why brands that understand the principles of behavioral economics can develop pricing and promotional strategies that influence consumer behavior.

In the next post, we will discuss strategies focused on developing and applying behavioral science to brands.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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