Retuna, the first shopping center for used products

Surely, when we think of the concept of a shopping mall we have a very clear mental image of a place of first-hand products. But the introduction of second-hand products, used or repaired, is reaching a great boom. Today we have as a protagonist of the blog a great example of this. It is Retuna, the first shopping center for used products.

A commercial space focused entirely on recycling located in the Swedish city of Eskiltuna. Undoubtedly, Sweden is one of the countries in the world that is most committed to the circular economy. Its creators are a team of environmental activists with a clear objective. The aim is to make this city the best in waste management.

Retuna, el primer centro comercial de productos usados
Retuna, the first shopping center for used products

A shopping center for used products that have a second life.

Furniture, computers, music equipment, clothing, toys, bicycles, gardening tools and construction materials are part of its offer. It also has a restaurant, an educational center and a conference room.

The key to this project is the recycling center located next to the shopping center. Here, anyone can drop off items they no longer want. These can be reused after being repaired or transformed into another product. In this way, waste is turned into an opportunity, as it is put back into circulation, saving materials, time and energy.

A social enterprise is in charge of receiving incoming materials for evaluation and distribution. This reduces waste, generates new job opportunities and contributes to projecting knowledge about how to live more sustainably.

In Sweden, statistics show that 99% of household waste is recycled. A fact that shows a great culture of respect for the environment. A clear example of circular economy that has used the bases of the consumer society to change the course towards a responsible and careful purchase with the planet.

Photo credit: RT

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