Wasbar, combined laundry and coffee shop

The power of lateral marketing to generate ideas is unlimited. This time, we have Wasbar, a combination of laundry and coffee shop, as the protagonist of the blog. The sum of both concepts is great. In fact, in terms of profitability, it achieves something I love: taking advantage of valley moments.

A valley moment is a really interesting concept. It happens when a business detects an unused time slot. Therefore, it is a source of opportunities, which allows you to generate some activities in those spaces that help to enhance the capacity of the business.

In recent times, the industry of urban laundries is being seen in many cities. In these premises the functionality is extreme, since the objective is to wash clothes. But can you take advantage of valley moments? Of course they can. Even in this case, Wasbar manages to eliminate them.

Wasbar, combinación de lavandería y cafetería
Wasbar, combinación de lavandería y cafetería

The combination of laundry and coffee shop in turn generates an inversion between boring and fun

Another powerful lateral marketing technique, inversion, makes its presence felt in this new concept. In this way, the user experience changes completely. From a boring waiting time during the washing process, you can move on to a social and fun activity.

Recommended Podcast: Inversion as a creative lateral marketing technique

Wasbar was born in Belgium, as a business idea of two entrepreneurs who have taken a risk with this striking concept. A social laundry that includes a bar, coworking and coffee. Although it may seem so, the project was born in 2012. But it is an exportable concept for its differential characteristics and, surely, very interesting.

In this particular space, work tables, food, washing machines and coffee combine in a surprising way. Another noteworthy aspect is its eco-friendly component, since the cleaning products and detergents used in this laundry are environmentally friendly. As a result, users assure that their environmental impact is taken seriously.

Wasbar currently has 10 locations in Belgium. But we will certainly soon see its expansion in other European countries such as the Netherlands and France.

Photo credit: WB

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