What are the most used emojis and what do they mean?

Surely you have ever wondered what are the most used emojis and what they mean. In this new post, we will talk about this overwhelming visual language that has come to stay. Next, we are going to highlight the 15 most used emoticons, their names and what they intend to express.

😊 Smiley face

It is, surely, the most used emoji worldwide. It is extremely recurrent and always brings closeness, kindness and softness to any kind of message.

😂 Laughing or crying face (or LOL face)

Just like the previous one, it is widely used on a daily basis. Another variation includes the ROFL (rolling on the floor from laughter) emoji 🤣 although the LOL face seems to be more common.

🤩 Face dazzled by the stars

To be dazzled means to be fascinated and overwhelmed in the presence of a celebrity or famous person. For example, you can be dazzled when meeting your favorite footballer.

However, this emoji has the meaning of being captivated or amazed by something incredible. You can use it to react to any good news or to express admiration.

Cuáles son los emojis más utilizados y qué significan
What are the most used emojis and what do they mean?

🙈 Monkey that avoids looking

This emoji has a very curious origin and comes from Japanese folklore. It is usually used to express embarrassment, shyness or desire to avoid looking at something. Also, it is usually used for expressions such as “I can’t believe it” or “what a mess”.

🤓 Nerd face

A nerd is anyone who has a great deal of knowledge and passion for a certain area. It is usually used to make an academic or geeky remark, i.e. smartass.

😁 Smiley face

A smile is a broad grin. Without a doubt, all in evidence.

😅 Nervous face

This emoji represents feeling anxious, very nervous or relieved because we have achieved something “ultimately”.

🥳 Party face

It is very common to use this emoji whenever there is a reason to celebrate. Very festival-like.

🤔 Thoughtful face

To reflect means to think about something deeply and for a long time. The meaning is self-explanatory. Quite a wasapera statement of intent.

😉 Winking face

You can use this emoji whenever you feel a bit naughty or playful. The winking face makes it clear that all is well.

😇 Innocent face

Another cheerful and playful emoji, which gives a certain playfulness and somehow has a little bit of ego.

😱 Screaming face

This emoji represents shock, surprise or amazement. It’s a full-fledged “mother of mine” or “my god”.

💎 Gemstone

A gemstone is a precious stone, as can be a diamond or a ruby. Also, “a gem” can also mean something really good or useful.

🙌 Raised hands

Another emoji that expresses feeling good or satisfaction. It is used to celebrate an achievement, express gratitude or praise. It’s like a bow to someone you admire for something or thank them for something.

💪 Biceps flexed

Just like the previous one, this emoji is usually used to motivate others and show resilience or mental strength. It is an absolute “come on”.

Photo credit: MAP

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