5 daily habits that unleash your strategic potential

Success does not come overnight, nor does failure. Leaving aside the luck factor, both concepts are the result of sequential choices and knowing how to take advantage of opportunities. To follow these guidelines, we will talk in this post about 5 daily habits that unleash your strategic potential.

Including daily practices in our routine better prepares us to face pressures and limitations, focusing on optimizing our finite resources in an intelligent way. There is no formula for success, but with these 5 daily habits that unleash your strategic potential we have an interesting tool.

5 hábitos diarios que desatan tu potencial estratégico
5 daily habits that unleash your strategic potential

Always end with the principle in focus.

At the end of each work day, or when we take a break from a large project, it is key to focus on exactly where we will continue when we resume the activity. One of the biggest causes of procrastination is the lack of a clear direction. If we define our next action at the end of each work session, we will set ourselves up for success before we even begin.

Close an open loop

Is there a decision you’ve been putting off or an open conversation that’s crushing you right now? Over time, these non-actions pile up. They cause undue stress and rob us of the ability to focus on what really matters. Instead of procrastinating, spend some time each day closing an open loop. In this way, we will be able to continue productively. Make a decision, give an answer or resolve a conflict.

Saying no is better than saying yes to everything.

Commitments of all kinds pile up over time and strangle us. Get in the habit of looking at all the projects, tasks and other commitments to meditate on. Give an answer to which of them you should say “no” to. If we say yes to everything, we are saying yes to nothing. We have limited energy to devote to our work. Undoubtedly, the strongest path to mediocrity is trying to do everything and anything.

Establish moments of inspiration

What goes into our mind usually comes out in the form of new perspective or creative thinking. If we want to generate great ideas, we must dedicate moments to fill the mind with inspirational stimuli. These are what will generate new thoughts. Activating the 5 senses is key. Therefore, dedicate a certain amount of time each morning, for example, for study and personal inspiration.

Make time for ideas

Most of us get paid for turning our thoughts into value. We solve problems, get things done, strategize and lead through uncertainty. However, few people spend time thinking about the most important problems. If you want to have great ideas, you must spend time generating them.

To do this, set aside an uninterrupted time slot every day, or at least a few times a week. The goal is to focus on the key problems and generate ideas for them.

Photo credit: ME

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