7 tips to enhance creativity under pressure

Creativity and creative thinking promote a fun, dynamic, changing and interesting development. Encouraging creativity is essential to promote change and broaden our horizons, especially in urgent situations. Therefore, we are going to highlight 7 tips to enhance creativity under pressure.

Creativity is a skill that we can all learn, train and put into action. Creative people are more open, happy and successful. They seek and value success. We are all ready to be creative. The only thing that prevents us from expressing creativity is believing that there are creative people and non-creative people and that we consider ourselves part of the second option.

The use of creativity and practice with continuity is the best way to develop this mental ability. It is a matter of training with dedication and sustained will over time. It is true that, under stressful situations, the creative potential decreases, so promoting creativity under pressure is a hit.

The key is to focus. For this, these 7 tips are oriented to enhance creative thinking in “under pressure” mode to put them into practice. Keep in mind that it is a process that requires time, dedication and willingness to continuously improve.

7 tips to enhance creativity under pressure

Pay attention to the possibility

There are always other alternatives. Always. This is key in creativity.

Change the angle

Through forced associations or by obliquity or bisociation.

Achieve an advantageous situation

Never let the challenge get the better of you, always be prepared to find a solution.

Las 4Ps de la creatividad
7 tips to enhance creativity under pressure

Divide the main objective into small goals

Play your game point by point like, or match by match, like Cholo Simeone. Break your goal into small sub goals that are achievable.

Solve and avoid killer phrases

Being able to isolate mental blocks is a fundamental aspect to avoid falling into swampy grounds that leave you stuck and unable to solve the challenge.

Attention and mindfulness

Execute techniques to promote perceptual creativity. In this way, you will avoid reducing the sensory area of reception of creative processes.

Take a pause and get momentarily away from the problem

Provoked lapses always bring fresh air and oxygenation to our brain.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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