8 key features of creative people

Creativity is a complex process that continues and will continue to surprise those who delve into this area. To assess its importance as an outstanding skill, we are going to propose 8 key features of creative people.

From a psychological point of view, it is difficult to define what is a creative personality and what is not. What is true is that those who are more creative tend to have more difficulty functioning in the patterns that society defines. Their minds are more chaotic and active and therefore become unpredictable.

Below, we will highlight some common traits among those who consider themselves creative people.


A trait that often brings problems to those who have it. Daydreaming is not a highly valued attribute in our culture, which advocates being “down to earth”. As a result, many label these minds as idle. It is, however, an unmistakable trait of creativity.

Being curious, observing and listening

Creative people tend to look for details in everything. Anytime, anywhere, there is something that captures their attention and it’s usually not the obvious. So they focus on it and then dig as much as possible into whatever it is that caught their interest.

Seek out refreshing experiences

Creative people look for situations that allow them to break out of their daily routine. They don’t necessarily throw everything into the fire and go off on unknown paths. Rather, it is an attitude in which variety is viewed with welcome and enthusiasm.

Attraction to challenges

If someone is creative they will be highly motivated to find a challenge. Not necessarily a crossword puzzle or some intellectual game. They are simply attracted to mystery and want to unravel it at all costs, to understand it. Discovery and discovery are two essential words on their roadmap.

8 formas de desarrollar y potenciar la creatividad personal
8 key features of creative people

No time perspective

Creative people do not measure time in hours, nor in minutes. Once they focus their attention on something they can spend days, weeks or even years enraptured in it. They rarely adapt to an eight-hour job. Rather, they approach obsession.

Sensitivity to aesthetics

Almost all creative people have some interest in art. Either as producers or as spectators. Music, theater, cinema, painting and all the arts exert a strong attraction on them. It is a non-obvious language that feeds their intuition.

Tendency to be solitary

Solitude occupies an important place in the lives of creative people. They need retreat because their mind is usually working all the time. They think, deduce, wonder, and so on. It is a constant activity in which others have no place.

There is no demotivation in the face of error

Those who are creative see error as an almost marvelous reality. After all, the error is a discovery. They thought they were right and suddenly they were surprised by a mistake. This, instead of discouraging them, becomes for them a revelation that spurs them on.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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