8 ways to practice creative attitude

If this proposal has caught your attention, go ahead and discover 8 ways to practice a creative attitude. Creativity is an enviable attribute in almost all professional (and personal) activities. Those who possess this ability often help solve all kinds of problems and situations.

In addition, they tend to propose ideas in a proactive way, always novel and fun. Creativity is therefore a highly desirable skill. On the other hand, as is often the case, the more creativity is needed, the longer it seems to be absent.

Be that as it may, don’t lose sight of the fact that your creativity enriches you in the first place and helps you to expand. It is certainly the way you apply things you already know to solve new challenges.

8 formas de desarrollar y potenciar la creatividad personal
8 ways to practice creative attitude

8 ways to practice creative attitude

Use new routes to go to your usual places

This exercise is an approach to get out of your comfort zone and literally discover new ways.

Try food styles you’ve never tried before

Or use new ingredients for your dishes

Explain something you’ve mastered using anything you can get your hands on

This exercise is especially useful for acquiring a lot of expressive skill.

Invent new ways of calling everyday things

Some people consider this to be silly. But the truth is that people are tired of always doing the same thing, talking the same, eating the same, dressing the same… we always have the opportunity to surprise.

Have the curiosity of children

Try at every opportunity to find out how things work. This is especially useful when we have to explain something because there are hundreds of useful references that can be intertwined with each other. Also, to find common ground that can be applied to various situations.

Avoid the enveloping tendencies

Many people use references that influence them on a daily basis as starting points for creative exercises that are presented to them. It would be advisable to have your own starting points, and then possibly use references to enrich or rethink.

Consider non-daily artistic exercises

For example, writing, drawing, trying to invent lyrics to a song, or anything else. It should not matter how good we are at it. It’s one more way to get out of your comfort zone.

Change patterns as much as possible

For example, when you’re walking down the street, don’t do it linearly, but take a step back or to the side every now and then. Or do things randomly to break the continuity of the automated. Some people may look at you strangely, it’s true, but we don’t lose anything.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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