9 Borroughs, fashion rental for pregnant women

From ownership to rental. This is a maxim of recent times, especially in the new generations of consumers. Today we have as a protagonist in the blog a good example of this. It is 9 Borroughs, fashion rental for pregnant women.

The insight that supports the project is very obvious, but it is still interesting. Fashion for pregnant women is clearly a proposal of garments that are never used again, which has a negative impact on the environment.

At most, they are usually given to other people they know, but a large part of them go to waste. With this in mind, 9 Borroughs has designed a very interesting, elegant and sustainable proposal.

This suggestive German brand offers a wide selection of options for moms-to-be. From dresses and blouses, to pants, skirts and leggings. All these garments are available in neutral colors and prints that bring a lot of colorfulness. In addition, the brand offers accessories focused on the postpartum process, such as baby slings.

9 Borroughs, alquiler de moda para mujeres embarazadas
9 Borroughs, fashion rental for pregnant women

9 Borroughs, fashion rental for pregnant women

The great advantage of this proposal is that any garment can be rented for a period of one month. Once you have finished using it, you simply return it. However, if a user falls in love with a particular garment, she has the option to purchase it as her own.

9 Borroughs is a sustainable company that aims to minimize textile waste. In this way, it gives moms access to a large virtual closet from which they can choose any garment to use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and postpartum.

All this under the rental modality, without the need to buy anything. Simply pay as you go.

Photo credit: 9B

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