Critical path method for determining project tasks

Today we have an interesting concept in the spotlight. It is the critical path method for determining project tasks. Project management is a complex task that requires a great deal of effort. For this, the critical path method is an excellent aid, tracing a very visual path of the tasks to be performed.

This technique makes it possible to identify those tasks necessary to develop a project. To do this, we must define the steps to follow in order to optimize the entire process. With similarities to the mind mapping technique, the critical path is a diagram that favors visualization by ordering the information.

It is a very effective tool that, in addition, has several digital applications that further improve its performance.

Método de ruta crítica para determinar tareas en proyectos
Critical path method for determining project tasks

The critical path method is ideal for planning projects and managing resources. To begin to highlight its benefits, we will say that it allows to develop future planning and to check the real progress. Also, resource management is more effective by prioritizing the most important tasks. On the other hand, it allows avoiding obstacles and wasting time.

Steps to follow to design the critical path method

Define tasks

We must save as much time as possible. Therefore, the project must be structured in detail, dividing the project by stages and tasks, from the smallest to the largest.

Identify dependencies

Here we will identify the tasks that are dependent on each other to work systematically or in parallel with each other. It is very important to take this into account, as it will greatly improve the efficiency of the project.

Create a network diagram

We refer to a flowchart to project chronologically the activities to be performed. In this way, we will create a roadmap of how the project will be developed.

Estimate the duration of the task

Before calculating the critical path, it is important to take into account an estimate of the duration of each of the tasks to be performed. To do this, we can use the step forward and step backward techniques. The use of either of them will depend on the type of project and the tasks.

Calculate the critical path

We will define the start and end dates for each of the activities to be performed. The first activity should start at zero and the end date is the time it will last. Each new task will start with the end date of the previous one. The path with the longest duration becomes the critical path.

Determine the slack in the activities.

This is how much flexibility the project or task will have. That is, how much a task can be delayed without affecting the project. Some projects have much more slack than others.

Photo credit: MA

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