Happiness is health, wealth and good relationships

Fourth entry in the new series of posts in which we expose 10 powerful formulas that will change the way you think. This time, another strong proposal: Happiness is health, wealth and good relationships.

We have never heard so much about the concept of “happiness” as we do today. The concept has become an object of obsession for many, and perhaps they are right to attach so much importance to it.

But, like many other concepts, its highly intangible nature means that belief in its essence can be diluted very quickly. Perhaps, we will never believe that we can reach that state and, of course, remain in it constantly.

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Happiness is health, wealth and good relationships

Happiness is health, wealth and good relationships

Health is one of the key ingredients, for sure. Health in all senses. In the healthy sense of being a good person and a good professional. Health also in the physical, obviously. Emotional health, because that defines who you are in the daily way of relating to others.

Wealth in terms of what you can give without asking for anything in return. Intellectually, because of our eagerness to want to know more and more, cultivating our knowledge. In, why not, having the healthy ambition to achieve goals and propose unique things that bring value to the world.

Good relationships, the last of the 3 ingredients, to be perceived as someone you want to be with. Someone with whom you want to share and build together. Someone you can be sure will always give you something positive and perhaps different.

Any of these 3 ingredients is within our reach. The difficult thing is to always be aware of it, since routine is a great enemy of it. The advice, in this sense, is that you do not stop practicing them daily to be able to reach an inner state of personal satisfaction seeing that you have been able to provide value for anyone.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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