History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Netflix

New entry for the series focused on history, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark. This time we have Netflix as a protagonist. It is one of the most popular entertainment brands in the world. The company, founded in 1997, offers a streaming subscription service for movies, series, documentaries and other audiovisual content.

History of Netflix

It was founded by Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph in 1997. Hastings, who had previously worked at software company Pure Software, was inspired to create Netflix after receiving a $40 fine for returning a movie late to Blockbuster.

Hastings felt there was a need for a movie rental service that was more convenient and flexible than traditional in-store rentals. In 1997, Netflix launched its DVD-by-mail rental service. This allowed customers to rent movies without having to leave home.

Netflix’s service was an immediate success, and the company quickly grew. In 2007, Netflix began offering streaming movies and series, and this service became the company’s main growth engine.

In 2013, Netflix became the first entertainment company to reach 100 million subscribers. The company has continued to grow rapidly since then, and by 2023 had more than 222 million subscribers worldwide.

Historia, origen y curiosidades de marcas que marcan: Netflix
History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Netflix

Origin and curiosities of Netflix

The name Netflix comes from the combination of the words “net” (network) and “flicks” (movies). The company wanted to create a brand that represented its focus on online entertainment. Netflix isotype is a stylized letter “N” that represents the company as an innovative entertainment brand.

The brand is headquartered in California (USA). It currently has more than 15,000 employees. It has won more than 100 Emmy awards. In addition, it has produced some of the most popular series in history, such as “Stranger Things”, “The Crown” or “House of Cards”. These, have been the subject of debate and discussion around the world.

Netflix has had a significant impact on the entertainment industry. The company has revolutionized the way people consume movies and series. It is a brand that continues to grow and evolve, and is well positioned to continue its success in the coming years.

Photo credit: NFX

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