History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Shein

New entry for the series focused on history, origin and curiosities of brands that mark. This time we have Shein as a protagonist. The fast fashion brand of Chinese origin has become one of the most popular in the world in recent years. The company, founded in 2008, has become known for its affordable prices, its wide variety of products and its focus on social networks.

History of Shein

It was founded by Chris Xu in 2008. Xu had previously worked at an e-commerce company, and was inspired to create this brand after seeing the success of fast fashion brands like Zara and H&M.

The company began operating as a small online business, but quickly grew thanks to its focus on social media. It began using platforms such as Instagram and TikTok to promote its products. This was key to reaching a wider audience.

In 2015, Shein received a $100 million investment from Sequoia Capital, a leading venture capital firm. This investment helped the company expand into new markets, such as the United States and Europe. In 2022, Shein became the world’s most downloaded fashion app on the App Store. The company also became the largest fashion retailer in the European Union.

Historia, origen y curiosidades de marcas que marcan: Shein
History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Shein

Origin and curiosities of Shein

The name Shein comes from the word “she” in English. The company wanted to create a brand that represented young women. Its logo is a stylized letter “S” that represents the brand’s diversity. The company offers products for women of all sizes, ages and backgrounds.

Shein is currently headquartered in Nanjing, China. The company has more than 10,000 employees and sells more than 100 million items each month. It has a significant social media presence, with more than 200 million followers on Instagram.

Its impact on the fashion industry is very significant. The brand has helped popularize fast fashion, which is characterized by affordable prices and fast product turnover. It has also had an impact on popular culture. The company has been criticized for its labor practices, but has also been praised for its role in democratizing fashion.

Shein is a brand that continues to grow and evolve, and is well positioned to continue its success in the coming years.

Photo credit: SH

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