History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Puma

New entry for the series focused on history, origin and curiosities of brands that mark. This time we have as protagonist Puma. It is one of the most recognized sports brands in the world. Its sneakers, clothing and accessories are used by elite athletes and people from all over the world. The brand has a long and rich history, dating back to the twenties of the twentieth century.

History of Puma

It all begins in 1924, in the German town of Herzogenaurach. At that time, the brothers Rudolf and Adolf Dassler owned a sports shoe factory. The company, called Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik, was very successful and became one of the leading manufacturers of sports shoes in Germany.

However, in 1948, the Dassler brothers split due to personal differences. Rudolf Dassler founded his own company, called Ruda, which later changed to Puma. Adolf Dassler founded his own company, called Adidas.

Puma quickly became one of the world’s leading sports brands. The brand was associated with speed, agility and innovation. It was one of the first brands to develop soccer shoes with spikes, which helped players improve their performance.

In the following decades, the brand continued to grow and expand. The brand signed sponsorship deals with major athletes such as Pele, Usain Bolt and Usain Bolt. Puma also diversified into other products, such as apparel and accessories.

Historia, origen y curiosidades de marcas que marcan: Puma
History, origin and curiosities of brands that make a mark: Puma

Origin and curiosities of Puma

Puma’s name comes from the feline of the same name. Rudolf Dassler chose this name because he wanted his brand to be associated with speed, agility and strength. It is a very popular brand among artists and musicians. Rihanna, Beyoncé and David Beckham are some of the celebrities who have worn the brand.

Undoubtedly, it is a brand with a long and successful history. Over time, it has been associated with speed, agility and innovation, which has made it one of the world’s leading sports brands.

It is a brand that continues to grow and evolve, and is well positioned to continue its success in the years to come.

Photo credit: PM

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