How to turn fruit into a luxury with differentiation strategies

Do you think we as consumers are hungry for novelty? I do. And a thirst for the limelight, too. Today we talk about a related aspect, namely how to turn fruit into a luxury with differentiation strategies.

You must have seen not so long ago the well-known ‘pineberry’, that is, the spectacular and showy white strawberries. The trade name of this variety is Florida Pearl® and it is a tender, juicy, sweet, pineapple-scented strawberry. They are not a cross between strawberry and pineapple, but simply a variety that fell into collective oblivion and now, in the age of Instagram and TikTok, they are re-emerging as an attraction.

Pineberry, la fresa blanca
Pineberry, the white strawberry

On the other hand, we have the trendy color of the year, thanks in part to ‘Barbie’. By association, we have a very peculiar, instagrammable and tiktokable fruit, such as Pinkglow. Fresh Del Monte, a brand specializing in pineapple, is the one who markets it. A fruit that has become in record time a clear desire of many people hungry for novelty and desire for prominence.

Cómo convertir la fruta en un lujo con estrategias de diferenciación
How to turn fruit into a luxury with differentiation strategies

Being the first, telling it first, trying it first… these are some of the arguments for the ephemeral visibility of our digital ego

That ego that, once satiated, immediately resurfaces in search of new things to tell. Undoubtedly, from the point of view of consumer behavior, this is a hit for analysis. Just search TikTok for hashtags such as #piñarosada, which has accumulated millions of views, or #piñarosa, which has an even greater reach.

A product like Pinkglow has boosted Fresh Del Monte’s sales. Its uniqueness, in this case, is that it has been genetically modified to achieve an excess of lycopene, a natural red enzyme found in tomatoes and watermelons, which gives it a pinkish hue.

Turning fruit into a luxury with differentiation strategies

This type of proposal is making its way into the conventional fruit offer to raise the status of the product, look for a ‘special’ public (who may not even like fruit) and stand out.

Of course, one of the most interesting items is the pricing variable, since the price sensitivity of this type of product is minimized. Being different has these things and, to a large extent, standing out in a market segment such as this gives way to talk about a luxury compared to what is known.

Differentiation strategies allow a brand to create ‘spearhead’ products capable of being a huge success in their own right, as well as favoring (by extension) the rest of the products it has. Impact products, such as these, give consumers reason to be curious and provide them with the perfect content to feed their desire to express themselves.

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