Levels of strategic development (part 2): Business strategy

Second entry of the mini series of posts in which we have as protagonists the different levels of strategic development. On this occasion (part 2) we will look at the so-called commercial strategy.

This is the set of actions that are planned, developed and executed to achieve the sales objectives of the organization. Therefore, it must be very well defined what will be done and how it will be done to achieve the goals in a specific market with a specific product or service and in a specific time frame.

Niveles de desarrollo estratégico
Levels of strategic development

Levels of strategic development: Business strategy

The focus areas for these types of strategies are:

Core competencies

These are those elements of a business that differentiate it in the marketplace and provide value to customers.


Who are the customers? What products or services do customers need? How can the company satisfy customer needs?

In general, there are five common strategies that organizations can use to foster competitive advantage, which are:

Cost leadership

This is offering a product or service at a lower price than the competition. Business units can reduce costs by building better facilities, investing in tools or reducing the cost of overhead, minimizing R&D costs, etc.


They emphasize developing and marketing products or services in ways that bring greater value to customers.

Focused low cost

Companies may choose to further focus their efforts by targeting only a subset of the market.

Focused differentiation

In addition, companies can choose to differentiate themselves from their competitors while focusing their efforts on a smaller subset of their customer base.

Integrated low-cost differentiation

For some companies, the optimal approach may be a hybrid strategy, emphasizing both low cost and differentiation.

In the next post we will look at the last type of strategies, namely functional strategies.

Photo credit: IO

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