Phases of the Knowledge Funnel (part 1): Mystery and heuristics

Following the previous post, we are going to discover the phases of the Knowledge Funnel (part 1). In this post we will focus on the first two, which are mystery and heuristics.

Remember that this tool is a conceptual model that represents the process of transforming information into valuable and applicable knowledge.

Mystery phase

The first phase, the mystery phase, is the initial acquisition stage. In this phase, the goal is to gather information from a variety of sources, even those that may seem unusual or not directly related to the topic of interest.

The mystery lies in the exploration of the unknown and the search for non-obvious connections. This is where the mind opens up to new ideas and perspectives, allowing for the possibility of surprising discoveries. Curiosity and the ability to explore unfamiliar territory are the keys at this stage.

It is therefore the crucial starting point in the Knowledge Funnel. This is where curiosity is nurtured and the diversity of information sources is actively sought. It is essential not to limit yourself to the obvious, but also to explore seemingly unrelated areas. Often, unexpected connections between disciplines can lead to the most innovative ideas.

It is important to emphasize that at this stage, quality is more important than quantity. Relevant and reliable information should be sought to build a solid foundation for the innovation process that follows.

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Phases of the Knowledge Funnel

Heuristics phase

Once a wide range of information has been acquired in the mystery phase, the heuristics phase comes into play. This is where heuristic methods, i.e., practical rules and problem-solving techniques, are applied to explore and find patterns or solutions.

Heuristics involve the use of intuition and experience to guide decision making. This phase is crucial to begin to discern between what is potentially valuable and what is not, and to begin to shape the knowledge gained.

It is here that practical rules and problem-solving techniques are applied to explore and find patterns or solutions. It is a time of deep reflection and exploration of the implications and applications of the information acquired.

The key in this phase is mental flexibility and a willingness to consider unconventional approaches. Often, the most innovative solutions emerge when existing assumptions are questioned and the possibility of a completely different approach is embraced.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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