Springer Pets, the practical water bottles for pets

The pet segment is a real “golden” today. Considered as a member of the family, this market focus is constantly growing in size and spending intention. In relation to this, new products and services are constantly emerging. Here is one of them, Springer Pets, the practical water bottles for pets.

Every self-respecting project has a valued insight as its origin. In this case, Shannon Ross, the entrepreneur behind this project, adopted a dog named Rishi. One day while traveling, she realized how difficult and important it was to keep him hydrated on the road. Researching solutions, she discovered that there were none focused on this and decided to create one herself.

Springer Pets, las prácticas botellas de agua para mascotas
Springer Pets, the practical water bottles for pets

Practical water bottles for pets, ideal for when you travel or go for a walk

The important thing when you go out with your pet, whether traveling or even on a walk, is to carry water that you can carry comfortably. That argument is super valued to not go loaded with something that hinders everything. If there are handy bottles for people, why not a water bottle for pets?

Springer Pets offers pet water bottles whose design merges a water bottle and a drinking cup. People simply squeeze the bottle and the water flows out into the cup. This makes it easy for pets to drink comfortably.

In addition, the bottle can be easily attached to a backpack or belt. Its design does not allow any water leakage and is made of BPA-free plastic. Undoubtedly, this is an innovative product that is a great success in the United States.

Una sustitución y una combinación, las productivas técnicas del marketing lateral

A substitution and a combination, the productive techniques of lateral marketing.

If we talk in terms of lateral marketing, we can see a substitution (people for pets), as well as a combination (bottle + cup). A tremendously useful product, devised under a simple use but that brings value and solves unwanted situations.

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Photo credit: SP

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