The 4 agreements: Always do the most you can

In the previous post we saw the third agreement (“Don’t make assumptions”) of the exceptional book by Don Miguel Ruiz. Now it is the turn of the third agreement: Always do the most you can.

This agreement is not only a reminder of the importance of constantly striving. It also reminds us that our “maximum” can vary from one moment to the next. In other words, it’s about doing the best you can within your present circumstances and capabilities.

Los 4 acuerdos
The 4 agreements

The 4 agreements: Always do the most you can

In the context of behavioral strategy, this agreement invites us to reflect on how we can apply it in our daily lives to maximize our potential and achieve our goals. Below, we will highlight some ways to do this:

  • Self-awareness and self-compassion: Recognize your limitations and capabilities at any given moment. Don’t demand more of yourself than you can give, but don’t settle for less than you are capable of either. Cultivate self-compassion to accept your genuine efforts and learn from your mistakes without judging yourself harshly.
  • Set realistic goals: Define achievable and meaningful goals that are aligned with your values and aspirations. Break them down into small, achievable steps, which will allow you to move steadily toward their achievement, maintaining a sense of progress and motivation.
  • Persistence and resilience: In the face of the challenges and obstacles that will inevitably arise along the way, maintain an attitude of perseverance and resilience. Recognize that every effort counts, even if you don’t achieve the desired result right away. Learn from difficulties and adjust your approach as necessary, but never give up on your quest for improvement.
  • Celebrate achievements: Recognize and celebrate your successes, no matter how small. This not only reinforces your intrinsic motivation, but also helps you maintain a positive attitude and gratitude toward yourself and your progress.

In summary, the fourth agreement invites us to commit to a mindset of personal growth and excellence. By always doing the most we can, we cultivate a sense of authenticity, integrity and satisfaction in our lives, thus contributing to our emotional well-being and success in all aspects of our existence.

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