The Hangover Club, delivery to cure hangovers at home

It sounds like a crazy service and it is. But it’s been working for years. Meet The Hangover Club, delivery to cure hangovers at home. The hangover brings unwanted situations in the so-called “day after”. After giving it all before, you can pay the price if you have gone too far.

Excesses are paid for and the dreaded hangover can be an undesirable companion that is hard to get rid of. Under this insight THC was born. It is a delivery service that seeks to minimize the impact of hangovers and their desperate consequences.

The Hangover Club, delivery para curar la resaca en casa
The Hangover Club, delivery to cure hangovers at home

The Hangover Club was launched in 2014 by a team of healthcare professionals

This project is based on a service that provides intravenous therapy. This is carried out by certified and professional doctors wherever you are. However, it is a project that only operates in some cities in the United States.

The service offered includes a 40-minute session in which the patient is given a revitalizing solution. This solution contains key elements such as electrolytes, vitamin B12, B-complex, magnesium and vitamin C. It also includes a pill for pain, a pill for nausea and one or two fruits to help the stomach.

In addition to offering this unique home service, the project also has its own anti-hangover clinics. Users can go directly to these clinics to receive one of their treatments, which start at around $150.

In this example we can see the creative power of the concept and how the delivery approach can go far beyond the gastronomic field. By activating concepts such as these, it is possible to create innovative proposals, highly segmented, but with all the strategic sense in the world. In fact, the segmentation is perfect and the specialization is total.

Photo credit: THC

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