Zara Hair, an example of trend-based diversification strategy

In this new post we are going to expose a very good example of diversification strategy based on trends. This is the recent proposal of Inditex’s flagship brand, Zara, which has launched its Zara Hair line of hair products.

When you listen to the market, it tends to give you valuable insights about what’s new for consumers. Zara Hair comes with a kit of four products under the name Glitter in gold, Make-up for your hair.

The diversification strategy is the one that a brand develops when it decides to expand its sources of income, which allows it to expand and grow. In this case, within its Zara Beauty segment of beauty products, the new focus is on hair care.

With this move, the brand adds a new challenge to the existing ones, such as perfumes, gels, shampoos, makeup and body lotions. The product range will be expanded over the course of 2024.

Zara Hair, ejemplo de estrategia de diversificación basado en tendencias
Zara Hair, an example of trend-based diversification strategy

Zara Hair proposes interesting concepts in its arrival at points of sale.

To achieve a greater impact at launch, the brand highlights one product in particular, the hair make-up, which is conceptually eye-catching.

The product set consists of a setting gel, a spray for a glossy effect and two hair accessories. Both accessories have been specifically designed for Zara. They are a comb and hairpins, all in the gold color associated with the launch.

In this maelstrom, the brand has taken advantage of another of its novelties. Specifically, the sale of its products through TikTok Shop, the e-commerce section of the famous video platform.

As we can see, this is a great example of a diversification strategy that follows a market trend. Specifically, that of hair care, which, as in other categories, is experiencing considerable growth.

Photo credit: ZR

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