Doritos Silent, the ‘anti-crunch’ software especially for gamers

If a new product brings together concepts such as technology, artificial intelligence, software, senses and gamers, among others, it looks very good. Pepsico’s snack brand, which never ceases to surprise, has just launched Doritos Silent, the special ‘anti-crunch’ software for gamers.

This is a good example of adaptation to a market segment, but it is exportable to any situation of online connection between people. Thinking about a specific situation, that of gamers, the brand has found a crunchy insight under which it has designed a very striking proposal. That sound of someone eating something “crunchy” while playing online displeases a lot of people (obviously), so it was an opportunity to be in the news.

Snacking is one of the worst noises in this sense and it is so annoying that it tends to distract and affect the performance of the interlocutor. It can even be a strategy for one party to compete, knowing that it will annoy and irritate the other party. This kind of ASMR is undoubtedly a trigger for anger.

Dorios Silent, a solution that can be extrapolated to any crispy sound and any snack

I think this innovation is a stroke of genius, although others may find it utter nonsense. Why is that? In addition to what I have already told you, there is much more to discover. Just imagine this situation: a gamer playing a game and eating any snack other than Doritos. The simple fact of using this software makes the brand present as a solution, even if it is not the consumer brand. This situation, on a branding level, seems brutal to me.

The innovative technology has been designed in collaboration with Smooth Technology and stems from the connection between Doritos fans and the gamer community. One of the brand’s messages in this regard is to enhance the experience of gamers who choose Doritos.

This revolutionary ‘crunch cancellation’ technology that allows PC gamers to enjoy their favourite chips without distracting other gamers. While recent research shows that 85 percent of gamers consistently choose Doritos as their snack of choice, the study also reveals a strong demand worldwide for an innovative solution that eliminates crunching sounds when gaming.

Doritos Silent, el software 'anticrunch' especial para gamers
Doritos Silent, the ‘anti-crunch’ software especially for gamers

The crunch is one of the reasons consumers love Doritos. With this new ‘crunch cancellation’ technology, Doritos gives gamers the ability to continue to enjoy that signature sound without disturbing the performance of their fellow gamers.

The development of this revolutionary ‘anti-crunch’ technology has incorporated the technical analysis of more than 5,000 different crunching sounds. One fact: the brand estimates that its silence benefits 80% of millennials (Generation Y) and centennials (Generation Z) who consider themselves gamers.

Does it serve as an example that everything is yet to be done and discovered? Anyone who says that everything has been invented has certainly not opened their eyes or ears.

Photo credit: DS

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