Gaeastar, the waste-free disposable clay cup

Following the thread of the previous post, today we have as protagonist a new unique product based on circular economy and zero waste. It is Gaeastar, the disposable clay cup without waste.

When I highlight projects of this type, I always try to focus on their insight of origin. In this case, we know that the world is declaring a total war on plastic. We are seeing movements imposed by different legislations that try to eliminate it in products that have been common until now.

Among these products, disposable cups, whether plastic or paper, represent a great threat to the environment. Based on this scenario, Gaeastar proposes an innovative project as a sustainable alternative using only clay, water and salt to produce biodegradable cups.

Gaeastar, el vaso desechable de arcilla sin residuos
Gaeastar, the waste-free disposable clay cup

Startup Gaeastar has created a unique 3D printer to obtain an amazing disposable clay cup

The company can manufacture average-sized cups in about 30 seconds using these natural materials. In addition, this mode of manufacturing avoids overproduction and unnecessary energy consumption, as cups are only produced when they are needed.

The brand’s objective is to offer a sustainable alternative focused on a wide range of businesses. Among them, we can highlight restaurants, supermarkets, hospitals, etc. In addition, its customizable proposal allows customers to adapt the size and design of the cups according to their preferences and needs.

In addition to all this, the startup has plans to register the patent of its revolutionary 3D printer. The idea is to make it available for sale so that other businesses, such as restaurants, can print their own cups on demand. In this way, waste generation is significantly reduced.

Photo credit: GA

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