Habits to achieve your personal purpose: Be hungry to learn

Third and last post of the trilogy of posts in which we are highlighting 3 habits to achieve your personal purpose. This is fundamental: Be hungry to learn.

Before making any decision, make your mental effort. This processing skill, poses challenges, especially when engaging in critical thinking.

Our brains tend to create shortcuts, which were very useful in primitive times, helping to survive against threats. In the absence of these immediate dangers, these shortcuts can become obstacles, especially in important decisions.

The key to navigating this cognitive landscape is to become strong critical thinkers. This involves recognizing our cognitive biases and personal prejudices. It also involves understanding how they can influence what we perceive as objective decisions.

The ability to discern, question, and think beyond our biases is what distinguishes us as conscious thinkers in a world rife with information.

Hábitos para lograr tu propósito personal: Sé una marca
Habits to achieve your personal purpose: Be hungry to learn

Accept that you know nothing and want to know a lot

We humans struggle to discover fundamental truths about ourselves and the world, but mysteries persist. We continue to navigate the unknown forces of our universe and the complexity of our mind eludes full comprehension.

Seeking truth is inherent in our nature. Acknowledging our limited knowledge is, without a doubt, the gateway to continuous learning. Only in this way can we embark on a continuous journey of exploration. Continuous learning is an engine not only for intellectual growth but also for brain health.

The mental stimulation caused by challenging ourselves with new skills counteracts the effects of aging on memory and cognition. When we accept the notion that we know nothing, we embark on a lifetime of endless discovery.

Photo credit: AT

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