How to design an elevator pitch (part 5)

In the previous post we saw the fourth part of how to design an elevator pitch (part 5), with the problem or need statement. In this fifth and last part, we will talk about how to use a hook to close successfully.

This is the final phase, that is, the real moment of truth.

Next, we are going to talk about some tips to make an impactful elevator pitch closing. Keep in mind that all of them are optional and you don’t have to follow all of them, but only those that fit your specific situation.

Types of hooks

A hook is a phrase, question or idea that arouses curiosity and generates interest in your interlocutor. It is a way to capture their attention and keep it for the rest of the pitch. Let’s look at some examples:

  • Question: Asking a provocative or interesting question can engage your interlocutor in the conversation and make him or her want to know more.
  • Shocking statement: A surprising or controversial statement can capture your interlocutor’s attention and make him or her want to listen to your argument.
  • Personal anecdote: Sharing something brief and relevant personal can connect with your listener on an emotional level and make your pitch more memorable.
  • Humor: A touch of humor can help lighten the mood and make your listener more receptive to your message.
Cómo diseñar un elevator pitch
How to design an elevator pitch (part 5)

How to use a hook in your elevator pitch

Start with your hook: The first sentence of your closing could be your hook. It should be strong enough to grab your listener’s attention and make them want to know more.

Keep it short: A hook should not be too long. It should be straight to the point and arouse your listener’s curiosity without boring him or her.

Be authentic: Your hook should be authentic and reflect your personality. Don’t try to imitate anyone else.

Practice: Practice your pitch several times to make sure your hook is effective.

Examples of hooks

Question: “Did you know that 80% of businesses fail in the first 5 years?”

Impactful statement: “Our new technology can revolutionize the way we do business.”

Personal Anecdote: “When I was a kid, I always dreamed of starting my own company.”

Humor: “If you’re looking for a boring way to invest your money, don’t talk to me!”

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