How to design an elevator pitch (part 4)

In the previous post we saw the third part of how to design an elevator pitch (part 4), with the problem or need statement. In this fourth part, we will talk about how to expose the value proposition.

This is another decisive phase, always with the idea of making clear why our solution is optimal. We have a lot at stake, since we are practically at the moment of truth.

Here are some tips for an impactful approach. Keep in mind that all of them are optional and you don’t have to follow all of them, but only those that fit your specific situation.

Benefit statement

The value proposition is the statement that defines why a customer should choose your product or service over available alternatives. It is the core promise you make to your customers that outlines the unique benefits they will get from choosing you.

Simply put, the value proposition answers this key question: Why should I choose your product or service?

The key characteristics of an effective value proposition are:

  • Clear: It should be easy for your target audience to understand.
  • Concise: It should be brief and straight to the point.
  • Convincing: It should communicate the value you offer in a way that motivates customers to choose you.
  • Unique: It must be differentiated from your competitors’ value propositions.
  • Credible: It must be supported by evidence and examples.

Therefore, at this point you should explain the tangible benefits that your project offers to customers. Focus on how it improves their lives or solves their problems in a specific way.

Cómo diseñar un elevator pitch
How to design an elevator pitch (part 4)

Examples of value proposition

Task management app: “Forget about stress and organize your life with our app. We help you increase your productivity and achieve your goals.”

Home cleaning service: “Enjoy more free time and a spotless home. We offer a professional and personalized cleaning service.”

Online sustainable clothing store: “Dress with style and take care of the planet. In our store you will find sustainable and environmentally responsible fashion.”

In the next post, part 5, we will see how to use a hook to finish capturing attention and close the elevator pitch.

Photo credit: Pinterest

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