How to validate a minimum viable market (part 4)

Fourth and last post of the mini series of 4 posts in which we talk about how to validate a minimum viable market. In this part 4, we will look at the importance of validating the minimum viable market.

Phase 4 of validating a minimum viable market: validating the minimum viable market

Validating the minimum viable market is essential to determine if the solution we propose to the market is viable and if there is a reliable demand. The best way to do this is to test the solution with target customers.

Here are some ways to test the solution:

Value proposition testing

One approach would be to create a landing page to test whether the offer resonates with the target customers. In it, we can include components that communicate the problems, solutions, features and benefits that customers can obtain.

Cómo validar un mercado mínimo viable
How to validate a minimum viable market


Another alternative is to develop a minimum viable test before building an actual product or service. If, for example, we are creating a digital clinic for healthy fitness, we can consider offering wellness coaching before creating the MVP. This way, we can analyze whether users benefit from the solution and whether they get the results they want.

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

Finally, we can create an initial functional product that brings value to users. For example, we can combine live video, messaging, appointment scheduling and a website to offer expert coaching service. This will help us test the demand for the proposed solution and identify areas that need improvement before expanding the MVP features.

Photo credit: PX

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